Creative Disscuss With Armando Dwi Wibowo
31 May 2021
OBSIUS (Obrolan Serius) Global Communication With Mr. Margynata
31 May 2021
Introduction From Our Student ” How your Pandemic impact as Student?”
30 April 2021
Kerja di Televisi atau Jadi Content Creator Bersama Ms Yuanita dan Mr Medo
04 October 2020
OBSIUS (Obrolan Serius) Online Risk & Oportunity With Ms. Amia
04 October 2020
OBSIUS (Obrolan Serius) Covid19 Fact or Illusion? With Ms. Nur Syamsiah
28 September 2020
OBSIUS (Obrolan Serius) Intership is Fun! With Ms. Nahdiah
28 August 2020
OBSIUS (Obrolan Serius) – Kuliah dan Bekerja
10 July 2020
OBSIUS (Obrolan Serius) – Dampak Pembatalan Ujian Nasional Oleh Pemerintah Bersama Desak Putu Sukma Gayatri Dewi
26 June 2020