Ramadhan iftar BINUS JWC
Dear All,
You are kindly invited to our Ramadhan Iftar with “Assatidz Daarul Quran managed by Ust. Yusuf Mansur” which will be held on:
Day / Time : Tuesday, 13th June 2016 / 4.30pm – 7.00pm
Venue : Back Lobby, The Joseph Wibowo Center, BINUS University International
Jalan Hang Lekir I No. 6, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat 10270
Agenda :
16.30 -16.40pm: The reading of the Holy Quran
16.40 – 16.50pm: Welcoming speech from the Executive Dean of JWC Campus (Bpk. Firdaus Alamsjah)
16.50 – 17.00pm: Delivery of gifts to the orphanage
17.00 – 17.48pm: Ceramah Ramadan
17.48 -18.00pm: Iftar and Maghrib Prayer
18.00 – 19.00pm: Dinner
We are looking forward to welcoming you all to this event and we hope that this event will be beneficial.
Thank you.
Firdaus Alamsjah, Ph.D