Hello University Life
Hari / Tanggal : Sabtu / 22 September 2018
Waktu : 08.00 – 20.23 WIB
Tempat : Exhibition Area, Parkiran Selatan, BS 301, dan Oak Room – BINUS Square
BSSC Wonder prepared a special day called Hello University Life, which also the peak of the event where all of the new boarders from 3 batches will be gathers. There will be some non-food stands that selling the needs of new boarders and also games booth where they can exchange with rewards at some specified point by winning the games booth. Food safari room also provided where they can enjoy the food given together. To live up the event and encourage the talent of the new boarders, 3 best performances from the batches will be shown and also new boarders can voluntarily perform on the stage.
Hello University Life also indicates a formal session where the ceremony of the handover of a position of BSSC and Floor Coordinator is held and will be followed by giving awards for DUBIN. The last but not the least, Brigitta Tiffany as the guest star will carry out 3 performances on the stage. At the end of BSSC Wonder 2018, MC will announce the best performances from 3 batches and all of the participants will take a group photo.