Binus International Computer Society (BINARY) , BINGO 2017

Pre-Event Press Release (english)
Binus International Computer Society (BINARY) is back to present Binus International Game Olympics (BINGO) in this year of 2017. With 4 major competitions as in the previous years before, BINGO has been one of the most anticipated gaming events.
BINGO does not only invite gamers and challengers to participate in DOTA 2, FIFA 17, League of Legends, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive competitions; but also partners and sponsor who will be able to make use of this event as a beneficial opportunity.
As in the first two years since 2011, BINGO 2017 will take place in Joseph Wibowo Center Campus, BINUS International University. With a purpose to motivate and improve the creative ideas as well as enhancing the strategic skills of the participants, BINGO is ready to be held on 8th to 10th of July 2017.
The registration is now open. Register your team and yourself now to win the prize more than 23 million rupiahs. Embrace the challenge!
Pre-Event Press Release (indo)
Binus International Computer Society (BINARY) kembali menyelenggarakan Binus International Game Olympics (BINGO) di tahun 2017 ini. Dengan 4 kompetisi utama seperti yang telah diadakan di tahun – tahun sebelumnya, BINGO telah menjadi salah satu dari acara gaming yang paling dinanti – nantikan.
BINGO tak hanya mengundang para gamers dan penantang untuk berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi DOTA 2, FIFA 17, League of Legends, dan Counter Strike: Global Offensive; tetapi juga para partner dan sponsor yang dapat menjadikan acara ini sebagai kesempatan yang menguntungkan.
Sama seperti dua tahun pertama sejak tahun 2011, BINGO 2017 akan bertempat di kampus Joseph Wibowo Center, BINUS International University. Dengan tujuan untuk memotivasi dan meningkatkan ide – ide kreatif serta mengasah kemampuan strategi para peserta, BINGO telah siap untuk kembali pada tanggal 8 sampai 10 Juli 2017.
Pendaftaran pun sudah dibuka. Daftarkan tim dan diri Anda sekarang juga dan menangkan hadiah lebih dari 23 juta rupiah. Embrace the challenge!
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BINGO (Binus International Game Olympics) 2017 is now open for registration!
Presented by BINARY (Binus International Computer Society), BINGO 2017 will be held at BINUS International Joseph Wibowo Center (JWC) from 8 – 10 July, 8AM to 8PM.
BINGO is a gaming competition held annually which consist of 4 main competitions: CS:GO, LoL, DOTA2, and FIFA 17.
For further info and registration, visit or contact 08111798899 (Elsa) / 081294633481 (Nana).
Join #BINGO2017 and embrace the challenge!
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Register for CS:GO, LoL, DOTA2, FIFA17 at #BINGO2017, 8-10 July. Info: or 08111798899 (Elsa) / 081294633481 (Nana).