National English Competition – HIMSI

As we all know, NEC stands for National English Competition. Before NEC, this one specific completion was called HECOM, which stood for HIMSI English Competition and it has organized many events throughout the years since it was established.
However, back to the point, NEC this year is very different than what it was like last year, this year, we’re doing it online. That means, participants have to submit their works on our website, that is We have put up the rules and everything related to this competition on our website. This year’s NEC is also very interesting because we’re only focusing on one thing that is, writing. Writing is very important because it is an outlet for so many people to express their feelings and emotions.
Most of the time, when people don’t know the right way to express themselves or what to say, they write it down. Hence why there are so many amazing musicians and lyricists out there, they express their feelings and thoughts by writing it onto music sheets. Same thing goes to writers, novelists and all that jazz.
We, in NEC, are trying to improve the writing skills of High School and College students. NEC this year is such a great outlet for students all over Indonesia to just express their thoughts and imagination through writing. The theme for this year’s category is called “Escaping Reality”, it’s all about expanding your imagination, as we all already know, most of us tend to daydream and get lost in our own thoughts when we have nothing to do. We create little stories in our minds based on our own likings, people want to escape reality because in reality, we’re often forced to do the things we’re not comfortable doing. We often feel pressured by what surrounds us.
This year’s theme is basically all about letting you mind and imagination flow. It’s all about letting your imagination do all the work and just go wherever your heart takes you. In the main day of the event, we’ll be having a seminar and several other activities, such as, workshops and performances from HIMSI members.
NEC this year is very exciting because not only we are going to improve students’ writing skills, our purposes also include developing the solidarity between students from various schools and universities. Try to unite them in a way where it’s fun, establish friendly relationships through their work and several discussions to strengthen national and country solidarity and also to sharpen the students’ English skills and sensitivity. Both in education matter and as a person.
Nevertheless, in this competition, it is very necessary and essential that your work is your absolute own in terms of concept and ideas. Your work should not, in any way, offend any race, religion, or culture for that matter.