Pementasan Drama “Annihilate”

We live in a world which is often unfair, where the strong ones or the ones with authority often belittle the ones considered lesser than them; some people have it better than the others; and some are often trampled upon due to the lower status. The apparent unjustified treatments towards the ones considered “powerless” are plenty, especially during the era with massacres and merciless warfare, where the strong stomped on the weak.
The year is 1987. Europe has been undergoing a vast amount of conflicts, and the people are forced to witness deaths, tortures, before coming face to face with the Grim Reaper himself through the heralds of death, the imperial army. A number has lost hope, succumbed to madness, while few carry hope, a seed they want to plant in hope of it to bloom into the tree of salvation. When the hopeful and the hopeless face against the face of despair and death, annihilation is obvious; the question is: which one will be annihilated?
Details of Event
Date : February 19th, 2016
Venue : Auditorium, Anggrek Campus, BINUS University
Time : 07:00 PM – Finished