Filmares is a one-stop trade show for global filmmaking resources. It brings a lot of product or service suppliers you need during filmmaking process (preparation, pre-production, production, post-production, distribution) from all over the world.
FILMARES focuses on connecting worldwide film-making product and service suppliers with filmmakers or film professionals so they can meet and interact each other.
At FILMARES you will find more than just film-making tools and equipment. There will be film location, graphic or animation studio, rental companies, production companies, film communities, stunt service, media, and many more.
Film-making workshops and live demonstration will be conducted during the show by local and international speakers.
You will find both local and international companies offering film-making products and services, all in one place. Internet can help you find them too but attending FILMARES let you have the chance to directly see, learn and create your own personal opinion or make your very own review about any product, service, even the supplier.
Meet and interact with the companies in-person, see demonstration, or self experience every products or services offered can help you choose the best product or service you need.
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